Based on photo of Thom taken by sister Nancy


Thom Washburn was shot by terrorists in Saudi Arabia on May 1, 2004, dying from the bullet wounds two weeks later in Houston, Texas. If you find consolation and healing from browsing here, the purpose of this web site will be fulfilled.

  1. Thom graduated from a high school in Fredericton, NB, Canada and studied engineering at a Canadian university.
  2. He represented his country with honour, served his industry with competence and managed his project team with integrity.
  3. His sense of humour and of fair play endeared him to his friends.
  4. He developed a broad range of interests extra to his career.
  5. At the time of his death at age 40, mid-career, he was on a path to become a leader in his industry.

There is no good to be found in Thom's assassination, and that of five other ABB Lummus managers. But through donations from many individuals and firms a scholarship has been created in Thom's memory. The Thomas Washburn Memorial Engineering Scholarship celebrates Thom's life by helping engineering students from his home town grow in his profession and reflect his indomitable spirit.

The fund for the scholarship is managed by the Fredericton Community Foundation. If the fund permits, the $12,000 scholarship is awarded annually to a graduate of one of the three high schools in Fredericton: Ecole Ste.-Anne, Fredericton High School or Leo Hayes High School. (Due to a recession, no new scholarship was awarded in 2009.)

By March 31 of each year applicants must submit, to Thom's parents, an application form and supporting documents showing that the applicant is a good scholar who contributes to school and community. Need always receives consideration. A short list of the applicants will be interviewed by a scholarship committee. In 2010 Dr. Frank Steward joined members of Thom's family on this committee.

The winner must have received admission to an accredited engineering school at a university in Canada; Thom received his chemical engineering degree through the co-op program at the University of Waterloo. If the successful applicant maintains good marks he or she will receive $2000 per term for the first six terms.

To learn more about the requirements and approval process go to our scholarship website.

This page was revised on February 1, 2016 by Sheila Washbunr   ©